
American Veterinary Medical Association

SDVMA is a proud member of the American Veterinary Medical Association which represents more than 85,000 veterinarians across the country. As an active member we play a role in advancing the veterinarian profession and its impacts on public health, biological science and agriculture. 

South Dakota Animal Industry Board

This government agency serves a number of purposes, from preventing the importation of animal diseases in the state to providing animal identification systems for maintenance of animal health and food safety, to surveillance system of disease testing to the regulation of livestock auction markets and everything in between. 


South Dakota State University

Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Department
Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory

SDSU is an integral SDVMA partner. In addition to providing education to future veterinarians, SDSU also researches animal health. 

 Iowa State University

Iowa State University

College of Veterinary Medicine 

Iowa State University is also a key partner for SDVMA and veterinarians across the country. Its education and research efforts have contributed to growth of the veterinary profession since 1879.


Partners for Healthy Pets

The goal of Partners for Healthy Pets is to reduce preventable diseases among cats and dogs through promoting the critical role of the veterinary professional and routine visits. The organization is a collaborative alliance of over 100 veterinary associations, colleges of veterinary medicine and animal health companies all committed to a vision of improved overall health for pets.


South Dakota State Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine

The mission of the professional program in veterinary medicine (PPVM) is to strengthen South Dakota's rural economy and regional agricultural systems by educating future veterinarians and scientists to serve the region. The PPVM will achieve this mission by providing students with knowledge and competencies in the fundamental and clinical veterinary sciences with a rural, regional focus. 


University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine

Established in 1947, the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine is Minnesota's only veterinary college. Fully accredited, the college has graduated nearly 4,000 veterinarians and hundreds of scientists. The college is also home to the Veterinary Medical Center, the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, the Leatherdale Equine Center and The Raptor Center.