The South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association

The South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association is an invaluable resource for South Dakota veterinarians. Members gain access to ongoing education opportunities, networking events and job postings. The SDVMA also plays an active role in legislative efforts by informing members and influencing governmental representatives in the interest of its members. The SDVMA is committed to providing high quality professional and humane animal care.

The mission of the South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association is to assist veterinarians by promoting and advancing the science and profession of veterinary medicine. The South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association is committed to fostering excellence in veterinary medicine through education, advocacy and outreach.

The Benefits of Membership

The South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association provides its members with:
  • Education
  • A legislative voice
  • Industry information
  • A connection to stakeholders influencing the profession
  • Quarterly newsletters containing important industry information that affects you and your business

The SDVMA hosts three meetings each year that provide an environment for valuable networking with industry leaders, product vendors, and peers. These meetings also provide continued education sessions on a number of relevant and timely topics. As an SDVMA member you are part of a well-recognized and highly respected group of veterinarians in South Dakota.

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Stay Informed with SDVMA

SDVMA LOBBYING TEAM: SDVMA is represented in policy discussions at the state level by our executive director. The SDVMA Legislative Committee is responsible for monitoring legislative policy proposals and determining SDVMA’s position on the issue.

SOUTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH COUNCIL: The South Dakota Legislature provides access to all the legislation considered during the legislative session (January – March) and the interim committee where policies impacting veterinary medicine are considered.

AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: SDVMA is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association. AVMA provides information and guidance on policy issues concerning veterinary medicine.

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